No, not really. This is what is am hearing these days from most of my friends. They say am depressed, not in a mood to do anything, need a break kind of sentenses. I just wonder what happened to these guys all of a sudden? What made them to feel so ?
We are all in mid 20s and all of us feel the same, sometime or the other. So lets just put some light on it. Everyday we wake up, go to office. Do some work, if no work, just browse. Come back home late night. Watch TV for sometime. Have dinner. Go to bed. Yeah !! This is exactly the same timetable which most of us follow. Over the weekends, meet some friends (remember, now there are very few friends whom we go out and meet), do a shopping and sleep whenever you get a chance to. Seems pretty much fine right? Whats the big mater here???? There is one thing... If you want me to put it in one sentense, we are not caring for our body and mind. NOT AT ALL.
Just remember the good old days when we were going to school and colleges. How happy we were... The word "depressed" wouldnt have come to our mind even once... But why now ? There is a reason behind it... We stopped enjoying the little things we used to... Yes.. Beleive me... We loved the walk to school, playing and dancing in rain water, the sight of our beautiful nature, the sunset, the ten paisa chocolate, the "kaaka" shop... Literally every small thing we encountered... But why we stopped doing that now? Who is hindering us from doing all these things again? Loving little things? Yeah I know, we are all matured now and we are professional... We are not supposed to behave like a child... But... If you cant be a child at times, whats the point in being grown up?
Now you know the difference.. Right? We are living robots... Just do the work that is instructed to.. Nothing else.. And then cry for happiness... Say am depressed, bored of this work.. If we continue this lifestyle, not just me or you, anyone for that matter will get depressed.... Happiness is a butterfly.. Dont chase it.. Let that come and sit in the beautiful garden of your mind... Remember, you cant buy happiness.. Its a state of mind.. If you decide to be happy today, no one can really bother you...
This life is beautiful... Make the most of it now... Start appreciating the little things that happens around us everyday... You will feel happy...
1 comment:
You seem to be really depressed my frnd...
My solution to you is to change the "Lifestyle", get a girlfriend. I bet your new post will be "Im happy these days"....:)
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